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Identity and Purpose

Andy Barnes • February 17, 2021

The best is yet to come.

I have a friend (now in his 90’s) who is one of the most profound teachers of spiritual truth that I know. He had an encounter with Jesus Christ (leading to his salvation) while he was in the Navy, and came out ready to walk with Jesus in all aspects of life.

After being discharged from the Navy, he attended college. His first day in class he asked his professor of philosophy if he could make an announcement to the class. After being granted permission, he stood and addressed the class. This is what he said. “I want to say hello, and then tell you that I know WHO I AM, I know WHY I’M HERE, and I know WHERE I’M GOING.” Needless to say, reactions varied.

What my friend claimed to know has been rendered unknowable by many, and a lifelong search by others. But Jesus promises His followers that we can have assurance deep within regarding our IDENTITY, OUR PURPOSE, AND OUR DESTINY.

Who are we? We are God’s creation and made in His image. According to God’s story, man was formed on the 6th day of creation. (Genesis 1:27) And God made man in His own image.  Meaning, basically, that God made man with the capacity to know Him—deeply and intimately. My friend had discovered this. He now knew why he was here. To know God, through Jesus Christ His Son, and to live daily in thanksgiving of what God had done.

Why are we here? Am I, as C.S. Lewis once wondered, the equivalent of a laboratory rat wandering around in a cosmic experiment? No! I’m here to discover what it is that God has for me in this life. God told his friend Jeremiah (yes, God has friends) that “before he was formed in his mother’s womb that He (God) knew him and had appointed him as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:4&5) God knows us—we are His creation—His kids. And He has plans for us. And, ultimately, His plan for our lives will be fully realized as we commit our lives to Him and listen to Him. That’s why we are here.

Finally, where are we going? Well for that I need to give you a word. The word is DISCIPLE. We all have probably heard that word, but what does it really mean. It means a “follower.” One who follows very closely.  When Jesus walked this earth, the Jewish culture in which He traveled had many teachers or rabbis. All rabbis had a following, and history records that you could always tell the most committed student. He would be the one that was covered in dust coming from the sandals of his teacher, as they walked the dirt covered roads and trails of the area. “Walking in the dust of the rabbi” became a phrase for being a committed student and follower—one who followed very closely. Our lives begin to make much more sense when we become followers of Jesus, for He leads us by His voice. He assures us that, as a shepherd, He leads us in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake (Psalm 23), and that His sheep know His voice and the voice of a stranger they will not follow. (John 10:5)  

But what about when all this is over? When life here comes to its end? He has that covered too, for He has promised that “He goes to prepare a place for us,” so that He can take us to where He is, so that we can be there too (John 14:1-3). Heaven is our destiny. And a rich inheritance is waiting for each one of God’s kids who have faith in His Son Jesus for abundant and eternal life. While life here can become challenging at times, please be assured that “the best is yet to come.”

You see, my friend had insight that many in that philosophy class did not have. He had been apprehended by Jesus. A Friend who sticks closer than a brother. Come join us, as we “walk in the dust of our Rabbi.”

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